
We offer you an online course of 10 video lessons aimed at mastering, stabilizing and complicating the forearm stand.

If you are just approaching this balance, you will receive a lot of effective tools and keys that will allow you to correctly master this balance in a short time.

If you are already in a pinch, this course will allow you to work deeper into the target areas and adjust your technique to stabilize the asana while at the same time bringing it to life and learning new variations.

Upon completion of this course you will:

✔️ learn how to work correctly, safely and effectively in pincha mayurasana;

✔️ get effective lead-up exercises for mastering the forearm stand;

✔️ improve the form and master new interesting variations;

✔️ identify your weak areas and limitations, understand how to work them out;

✔️ you will be able to apply new knowledge and skills in working with other inverted asanas and balances on the hands.


As part of this course, you will be offered 10 video lessons lasting from 60 to 85 minutes. You can do them in the order in which they are presented on the site, and practice 2 to 5 times a week. You can also follow your own schedule and sequence, and return to more difficult and beloved practices an unlimited number of times.

Each class is a comprehensive Hatha yoga practice that begins with a warm-up and ends with a recovery in shavasana. Thus, you will receive not only a set of keys for mastering the target asana, but also full-fledged balanced complexes for regular practice.


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